Friday, April 17, 2009

Before The Law

I admit it-- I froze up. I sort of seized. I have been gone too long. I have been speechless. Perhaps I've even been a little shell-shocked. I've been watching a tonne of documentaries lately, and reading about water and the Doors of Perception. [I've also been rehabing a knee injury, which takes up a lot of my free time.] But that's enough about me.

What the "F" is up with Barack Obama? Don't know if you heard but he says that he is not going to go after CIA operatives who may or may not have "TORTURED" suspects in holding within US facilities across the world and in Cuba. In essence, Obama has stated that it would be inappropriate to reprimand agents for something that Justice sanctioned.

Anyone read Kafka? There's a short one [see Title of this post] what talks about the ridiculousness of waiting around for the Law to become accessible to the average citizen. In fact, the average citizen will wait around until the day they die for the Law, only to have it closed in their face.

So: what happens when the Law acts through injustice? What is an American to do when our civil and national Law does not, in fact, apply to the lawmakers? How is it prudent for Obama to excuse torturers simply because Bush's Justice department excused illegal torture? Who is running this pharce? Where is the elephant? Where is the fiery hoop? And how do I jump through it? And what do I do with this bottle of seltzer I've been holding?

I douse myself with it. That's what I do with it.

It's funny. I've heard people say, "Well, agree or disagree with him, he's the President. And I can't attack him because he's my President."

It's strange for me to suddenly not feel like this about someone I voted for. I think, if the President is meant to do anything, it is to weather constant attack. From everyone. If you're not attacking the Pres., perhaps you're not paying enough attention. There's always something to push. There's always injustice to highlight. I don't really care who you are.

And perhaps the President's only job is to recognize when an injustice is called out through timely and appropriate force of the People.

Now, I understand what Obama means. An agent, who has been told something is A-OK by THE LAW, then acts upon this approval. For someone to come along later and say that the Agent was acting illegally is a bit of a tricky stick to wag around.

Fine. Case closed. Don't prosecute CIA agents individually. May I suggest that our next course of action is to march the Bush Administration Justice Department lawyers who A-OK'd this illegal ass behavior. At the end of the day, somebody better be going to jail for sanctioning torture [which is illegal by US and international laws,] and I really don't care who it is as long as it is someone meaningful, someone important, someone who was there and made decisions that resulted in these tactics coming into use.

Why? Why bother? Old news, right? Bush isn't around anymore-- perhaps I'm just sore because I want to see George W. Bush in horizontal stripes.

Well, actually that's not true. I have no idea if George should be wearing stripes-- neither am I a lawyer, nor am I a fashion blogger. I'm talking about this because our future and our heritage may be in jeopardy if what happened under Bush is never dealt with.

Let me put this argument in another context.

Pakistan is being targeted and even bombed by the Obama Administration. It is a "Fundamentalist sanctuary for Islamist fanatics, etc., etc., yadda-yadda..." Hrrm. Really? The People of Pakistan have been organizing on their own for years, now, to eliminate a military dictator, and to modernize through electoral participation. They are trying to change. Most in Pakistan are city-people who want technology, access to goods and trade, and seek fairness through an even, cohesive Law.

And our answer is to bomb them!?> And continue to refer to them as Fundamentalists.

What the "F", Obama! Back off the USS Lincoln mindframe, and walk into the grassroots organizing frame-- which is exactly where you came from, buddy!

My hope, as a tax-rights Republican friend of mine suggested only yesterday, is that Obama is not falling in love with hearing himself talking. He's going to bomb us out of trouble with Pakistan-- he's going to spend us out of a Recession-- he's going to ignore our way out of a Legal battle with the world.

Transparency my ass. Ultra-transparency is to finger the Justice Department Lawyers who made illegality legal, and then throw them into a dark, airless, solitary cell and feed them NutriLoaf.

Alright. The rant is over.

I'm going to leave you with something we all can agree on: The court decision against The Pirate Bay is BullSpit!! In case none of you are aware, the average human is now enmeshed in a global war for basic and fundamental rights to our Souls. I've got Soul, but I'm not a Soldier...

And finally, perhaps something we disagree on: Am I missing something? What in Hell is the deal with all the Twitter-philes? I still don't care! It's like how I used to use Myspace, and don't anymore. I've stuck to a preemptive slacking on Twitter usage, because I just don't care. How many websites am I supposed to be savvy with? When is savvy too damned savvy? And just when I'm trying to keep up my intake of fresh air and exercise, some stupid new website blows up in my face. I'm achingly close to shutting down my Facebook account because it's annoying the Hell out of me. And now I'm supposed to be Twittering? Twitter this! [Insert exclamatory finger, here.]


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