Thursday, December 18, 2008

Address All Complaints To The Monsanto Corporation

All Hail Tom Vilsack! New Agriculture Czar awaiting confirmaiton as appointed by Barack Obama. All Hail Tom Vilsack, Governor and Democrat of the great-Ag state of Iowa. All Hail Tom Vilsack, Dorsey and Whitney trial lawyer with intimate ties to Monsanto Corp., and Cargill Inc. All Hail Tom Vilsack, champion of BioPharma, transgenics and other Freakish Follies of Science. All Hail NAFTA, greatest Blunder in international economic decency since the inception of the WTO. And God Save Barack Obama.

Change is already come. It started happening back in Clinton's term. It continued with George Bush (dennisons of Change, who changed more than this one man?). Now Barack Obama will bring it all home. He is Change we will believe in.

In case you are not aware, the term "War On Terror" comes from a Bill Clinton speech given just after the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Clinton, well regarded as the best US President in memory, responded to this calling with a bombing campaign that he named Operation Infinite Reach. Warm and coze, innit?

In case you are not aware, these are the casualty statistics for the global War On Terrorism since September 11, 2001:

Military Casualties: 54,114 to 59,490+ dead
Military Injuries: 52,000+
Civilian Casualties: Exact Number Unclear
Civilian Injuries: Exact Number Unclear

I have crossed the line into fullblown cynicism as regards my horse in the race, Barack Obama. [And Damnit, I tried to vote Kucinich in the primaries but he'd bowed out before California's go at it.] Why? Because I've grown cynical about Americans. The people will do nothing so long as the market rallies. The people will calmly shovel the excrement into their children's mouths so long as there's another Clinton lodged in the Executive rung.

A world is hungry. A world is angry. A world is looking for a new program. A world wants recognition. A world wants hope. A world wants outreach. A world wants understanding. A world wants something more than ADM and Monsanto and Cargill can deliver.

A world wants people-power. A world wants something newer than free trade. A world wants freedom for the worst off. A world wants something honest. A world wants freedom from war. A world wants to be ok with itself. A world wants to be healed.

If every doctor was able to help any patient needing assistance, everyone would feel cured. If every farmer was able to feed every mouth needing nourishment, famine would be cured. If every soldier was able to protect every single civilian, war would end at once.

Address all complaints to the Monsanto Corporation...


BagLadyBug said...

Where did you get the picture? out of your aspartame??

And, given your new feelings on Barack... what do you think about McCain with the 20/20 of hindsight? do you think he would've made a better choice for AgCheif?

StoneRefused said...

I'm inclined to believe that McCain might have made the same choice, if not a worse choice. The distinctions break down-- this is the problem.

Who would McCain have given Secretary of State? Joe Lieberman? Hindsight sucks, sometimes. Let's look at the future.